Sunday, July 13, 2008

Travel thots

Typically, I dont cook on Fridays. Then again, I havent been really cooking for the past 2 months! In any case, Tim and I had a feast at Miyako, a Jap restaurant, yesterday. Since I got back pretty late - 8 pm on a Friday is considered late - because of the farewell party for the manager who is leaving for London, we decided to go for the restaurant's Happy Hour special which started at 9. Every weekday from 9pm to 12midnight, everything on the menu goes for 30% off except for alcohol (which doesn't affect us since we are not into alcohol anyway).

You must be wondering where were Neo and Zing, our friendly neighbors. I bet they are frolicking at some Californian beaches right now! Yes, they are on a vacation AGAIN! This time a two-week Western US tour together with Neo's parents, covering California, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon and Yellowstone. Did I say they just got back from Costa Rica and Western Carribean cruise not too long ago?!!

Yes, I know, it really seems like we peeps living in Houston are very free and rich; we are always going on vacations. However, don't forget many a time, our air tix and/or hotels are paid for by our mileage and hotel points. Occassionally, the weekend trips are covered by the company. So we dont really spend that much. Really.

I mean, it is not just us Houstonians who have been doing alot of traveling. Take a look at Xtine and GYC (GYC has watched so many live matches where Liverpool lost. ha,); Wen and Celia (they have been doing quite a bit of traveling between China and HK. heh. Not just that, Celia was in Vietnam for training and even had a chance to meet up with her sis there. I think she is flying to Canada for an engagement - not an engagement party but an audit engagement - this July too! In August, they are flying to Hawaii for their long-awaited honeymoon. Why the US? Well, Celia is considered an US expatriate and so is entitled to home leave passage to anywhere in the States. How cool!); LHP and Eugune (they have been to so many weekend snowboarding trips that they are considered pro now); and Huili (She has tonnes of pics on Facebook altho without Jo the Pro.) too! Singaporeans living overseas tend to go on more holidays as we would want to seize every opportunity to travel around the various cities while we are out here.

I definitely wouldn't want to spend a couple of thousand dolars just to fly back to the US next time when I am back in Singapore just for holiday. Without families and friends here, what better way to keep ourselves entertained during our free time. Weekends trips around the region is so convenient. We dont even have to exchange for another currency (at least those in the US). heh. I am sure, but i certainly hope not, we will not have that many opportunities to travel when we are back in Spore.

Oops, I digressed. I meant to talk about about our dinner at the Jap restaurant only (just changed the title from "Jap food" to "Travel Thots" since the original title is no longer apt). Anyway, Tim and I ordered half a dozen of oysters, one plate of fresh salmon sashimi, some agedashi tofu, one sushi-sashimi-tempura bento set, and a bowl of sukiyaki beef don between us. Oh my god. by the time I finished the appetisers I was almost full. Didn't even fmanage to inishe a quarter of my main course.

So here I am eating the sukiyaki beef don on a lazy Saturday afternoon and happily typing away. Yes, Tim is at work again :( It seems that ever since he turned 29, his luck has been going downhill...He got onto the Brockback Mountain job the very day he turned 29 and hasnt looked back since. I certainly hope his luck doesnt stay this way, if not my happy hubby will soon be very depressed or did I say he already is?


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