Thursday, June 23, 2005

MacRitchie Tree Top Walk

Last Tuesday, right in the midst of me and GYC's long leave, PwC UK hotshot William's hometown holiday, and Stan's neverending period of unemployment, all 4 of us came together and decided to do something interesting together. No it wasn't anything kinky (this time at least), but it was a kind of mini-workout thing for us..... we did the famed, the much criticised, the much maligned, MacRitchie Tree Top Walk!

Yes... amazing but true... but i must say it was quite an experience for all of us! And we're glad to say that we've conquered it!! Here are some of the pics i managed to take along the way, courtesy of my Samsung... :)

The Route:

- The orange trail mapped our route for the day. As u can see, we started at the bottom right, took the anti-clockwise route, and almost walked ourselves to death.

- We were all so enthusiastic at this point! 5km only... let's do it!!

- After 10 mins, 600m down!! This HAS to be a piece of cake man... how did Mel and Ailing take 4 hours!?!?

- Hmmm... 4km... kinda getting thirsty liao..... *cough*

- Fug... we're all sweating like hell liao... and NOT even HALFWAY THERE????

- 2km.... there'll be no water left for our return trip Frodo... argh

- Ah hah!! Light at the end of the tunnel!! Let's just crawl that little bit more....

- Finally.... *faint*

We weren't gonna waste our long trip to the Tree Top Walk, and thus we decided to take our time to walk the 250m and bask in whatever Singapore Scenery there was. (ie. ZILCH.)

- Amazing how these 2 overweight asses didn't manage to break the bridge....

- You're looking at 2 genius UK employees.... hopefully.

- A disgusting pic for William to use as his wallpaper back in London, where people don't know what is a Sun.

And within 15 mins, our objective was met. We walked the Tree Top Walk. A 2 hour journey for a 15 min walk... does that make sense to you?

Anyway, a few hundred metres away from the Tree Top Walk, we found an excellent place for a rest... Jelutong Tower. Do have a look see if you're there!

- UK boy making it to the top of the tower after 7 storeys worth of stairs.

- Stan with his California Fitness Lifetime Membership pose. Grrr. And is that William checking out his ass?

After half an hour at Jelutong Tower, it was time for our dreaded walk back. That took another 2 hours but i don't really have any pics of that journey as i vaguely recall being conscious enough to hold my handphone.... it was kinda weird walking through a Golf Course and the classic Cross Country routes i used to run back in SJI man.... talk about memories....


I must say though, all throughout the walk we saw many different animals.... maybe it was kind of a homecoming to Mother Nature as it's not very often that i get a chance to go out in the wild (forest-wild... NOT Zouk-wild). These were some of the more interesting creatures we spotted:

- Iguana as per Tim. Komodo Dragon as per Stan. Chameleon as per William. Monitor Lizard as per the signboard back at the park.

- These friggin' ants are the biggest ones i've ever seen!! Look at how they compare with the leaf next to them man.... weirdly enough, this "army" only consisted of 3 soldiers. Most probably commandoes coz of their RED asses and their wild foray on the tracks....

- Lotsa Wild monkeys at MacRitchie. I could have sworn they were going to snatch Stan's RazR when he was taking pics of them though... the way they were staring at it was like Zhanwen ogling at his next phone.

Unbelievably though, there were evidently some tame ones around too... check out this chubby one which was soooooo obedient:



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