Packing up III
I went to Target and got an electronic bathroom scale. I couldn't find the model I returned a month ago.
Damn this new scale. It wouldn't allow me to weigh the luggage without giving me either error msg or ridiculous low numbers. I tried so many times till my hands and back are aching. Now I can't be sure if the luggage are above the limit or I can stuff more things in.
I'm pissed.
Hmmm, does the scale measure ur weight even? Try switching on the machine, wait for the 0 to show (there are models that shows 888 till its ready to measure and if u stand on the machine before its ready, the error msg appears)
Yes, I can weigh myself. The problem with the scale is that u need to tap on it first before you can put things on top. And once you tap, u have to immediately weigh if not it will give error msg. The luggage is too heavy for me to tap and weigh at the same time. Irritating!
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