Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Algonquin Park Dog Sledding Trips

When Tim suggested for us to go for a dog sledding trip in Canada, I happily agreed thinking that it would be just a walk in the park until we received an email from the provider which suggested otherwise.

Here’s an excerpt from the email:

“Although we will set the pace and the experience to the group's ability, this adventure will challenge you physically and emotionally. You will be physically active from the time you arrive until the time you leave. You will help move the dogs in and out of the yard and harness and hook them into a team. Driving a team involves controlling the sled by leaning pulling on the handle bar in turns, applying brake pressure to slow the sled on descents, running or walking uphill and pushing or peddling to help the team as needed.”

Did I mention I am afraid of dogs?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if thats how you feel...
imagine how the dog feels....prob more tired and more scared of you goons...

5/12/07 10:04 AM  
Blogger Sharpie said...

That's true...we should prob go for jo sledding trip instead.

5/12/07 10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish i had read your blog entry abt the dog sledding trip before blindly going for it! I must admit I was shocked initially when I saw 300 ferocious dogs barking at me, but enjoyed myself nevertheless! Good call Tim!

10/1/08 11:41 AM  

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