Ebay Entertainment!
Yet another boring day in the army... managed to get home close to 545 and i don't even remember doing today except drawing today's pool session with Marc! 4-4 was the score but you've got to see it to believe how lousy we actually can be. Oh well with another 2 weeks of practise i'm sure i can even take on.... Chris and Zhanwen!!!
Ok ok enough rubbish.. i DID do something productive today, and that was to wake up in the middle of the night and make a winning bid on eBay. Yes i do buy stuff from eBay every once in a while... and this is actually 5th purchase! Yes 5th!!! A landmark for me yea?? U all must be wondering: "What the hell did Tim buy that can only be found on eBay??" Well the answer is.. of course.... right in front of you....
"Notice that you don't see Rio Ferdinand anywhere on the cover."
Only Man Utd can make me do crazy things like this.... And in case any of you are interested in how much i paid, i'm NOT gonna say a word coz i think Sharon is gonna kill me after finding out about this. All i can say is that this DVD is being sold at $80 in HMV!!! Ridiculous price don't you think?? Even if it's for a Man U video???
Anyways, was thinking in the morning... i don't know too many people who buy stuff on Net Auctions... although a few are really hardcore auctioneers (Winz, Soon and Jo come to mind...). Is it coz even at this time and age, people are STILL skeptical about buying stuff and paying online? I for one think times are a changin' and things are already made easier through the use of Internet. I mean.. i dun think i buy tickets over the counter anymore for the past year or so!!
Finally, to end this post, here's a top 10 listing related to Auctions:
Tim's Top Ten - Weirdest Items Spotted On Ebay
1. Model of the Female Anatomy
2. Ronald Reagan Slippers
3. A Clown Museum
4. Toilet Paper Quiz
5. Request for Toilet Paper?!?!?
6. 2-headed Truck.
7. Stormtrooper Suit from Star Wars
8. "Care Bears" G-string thong (for Men!)
9. Ad space on a Tombstone
10. Smelly Sock Stand
Click on the links. And see it to believe it. :)
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