Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Down Under... revisited....

Was talking to a few of my friend this week and found out that a couple of em are going down under this week. Mindy from Pwc, will be leaving on Sat, while Aifeng, soon to be PwC, will be going down to Perth this Fri....

As i was trying to help out by sharing some of my experiences at Perth with Aifeng, the memories of that wonderful week in June last year all started coming back to me!!! In fact it got me thinking so much that i decided to have a look at those nice pics again.... realised that it was really a wonderful wonderful trip... with the 4 other crazy dudes: Chris, Peiwen, Zhanwen and Celia.... my photo taking and captioning really sugged then though... hahaha.. but it doesn't detract from the fact that these are still pretty good pics!! Still some way to beating them NZ ones though... hehe.. Click on this link to remininsce with me!!!

"How Now Brown Cow?"


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